Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Bucket List

So, a few years ago I started a bucket list, to my delight I have been able to check off some of those goals. I always liked the idea of a bucket list because unlike making New Years resolutions and trying to fit it all in in a year, a bucket list lets you set some life goals. Places you must go, things you must do, experiences you must have, all before you die (so hopefully you have a good amount of time to fulfill them). One of the most important things to me in life is to be able to travel, so many things on my list all involve travel. I am a fairly late bloomer in the travel world but hey! better late then never right????
Now my bucket list is pretty long so I am just going to share a few on the list or we would be here for days.

                                 “The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences.”
                                                                     ― Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild 

#1. Cage dive with a great white shark!
Now I am a bit terrified of water and sharks scare me to death. But, I also think both the water and sharks are some of the most interesting/magnificent beings on the planet. So with being a little afraid of both (terrified of the shark!!!) I want to get up close and personal with both. I think it can be good to face some of your fears, can you imagine the exhilaration you will feel?

#2. Bicycle around Paris.
Yes, this one sounds like something out of a romantic comedy where the young American girl goes to Paris and falls in love with a beautiful Parisian man. Okay maybe I wouldn't mind that happening. But back to my bicycle. Since I was young I have had an obsession with Paris, when I first started to love photography my dad gave me a box with pictures he had taken of his tour through Europe. My favorite picture was one of him standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, from that day on I knew I wanted to travel and most importantly go to Paris. So what better way to see Paris than on a bicycle I ask you?
And yea, I will be looking this chic while I do it.
#3. Spend New Years Eve in New York City.
So this one is just one of those things I watched on TV as a little girl and dreamed about being there for. Watching the ball drop in Time Square from my TV as a girl I thought it all seemed so glamorous and beautiful. I mean who doesn't want to be in that crazy mess of confetti and people??? In the middle of New York City?!??!

#4. Cave Diving.
One of my favorite photos is from National Geographic is one of a cave dive. And one of my favorite movies to watch is Sanctum (I even bought it). I have an obsession with underwater caves since going to Mexico in 2007 and diving into one. I was terrified at first, the idea of going into a dark hole and not being able to come straight up for air has been a nightmare many a time for me. But once I mustered up some courage and dove in it was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I fell in love with the beauty of the water, the fish, the whole cavern. How could there be something so magnificent underneath us? I have many day dreams of going back.
The NG photo. Taken by Wes C. Skiles.
#5 Hike to Machu Picchu.
This is another one from hours of looking at National Geographic magazine. Who wouldn't want to see the great Mayan city???? To sit and marvel at how those people long ago built such a place would be one splendid afternoon.
Yes, my wish would be to go up with Anthony Bourdain. Not very realistic but a girl can dream!


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