Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hey guys!
So something a few of you might know about me is that I am kind of obsessed with water, mainly the ocean. It's all kind of funny seeing that I am not a great swimming and also strongly fear drowning, but sometimes it is the things we fear the most that also captivate us the most. Well, going along with my obsession there is not a movie or documentary about surfing I have not seen (no matter how bad it is). My dad still tells me stories of when he was young and living in California and would spend every afternoon surfing or snorkeling. I love these stories and since I was little dreamed about doing it all myself. Recently I have started looking into becoming diver serifed and since I am traveling more I am seeing a greater opportunity to get into the water. So I have been thinking more and more about learning to surf. First it was just where I would want to learn to surf and who with (my great friend Shannon of course), but then I started to realize that I was far from being in shape for surfing. I have the worst balance of anyone I know, I have no core strength and back to being a bad swimming I also cant hold my breath for that long. But with so many opportunity's in my future I refuse to not be ready for it. I started working out more (which I needed to do anyways) and working on my yoga for better balance.
Yes, this long story just to get to the skateboarding part, yeah, weird, I know. But I must explain why at the age of 26 I decided to risk my very imbalanced body on a skateboard!
So on with the story.
One afternoon it hit me that I should try skateboarding to work on my balance and to just in general know how to be on something that is moving. I immediately text my friend Shannon and informed her that we should get a skateboard and start practicing. And then like so many times in my life, out of no where, I become completely obsessed with the whole idea. So a few days later Shannon's beloved husband, Adam, called up an old friend and asked if he would teach me and Shannon to ride a skateboard. Later that week Adam, Shannon and Justin came over with one skateboard. Shannon and I, with Justin's help, spent what was left of the day practicing getting on and off the skateboard, trying to turn the board and a great lot of how to stay on the board. Overall I really enjoyed learning how to ride the board and could have gone on the rest of the night with it, but we needed to eat dinner :/
Photos courtesy of Adam Flores. 

Just starting out, think Shannon was a little scared for me. I was terrified for me.

Shannon and I working it out and getting some help.
Shannon is blaming me for something, not sure what. Probably for the hair brain idea to get on a skateboard.
She is so helpful.
Getting the hang of it.
Go Shannon, Go!
Justin showing us his skills.
Mad, mad, skills.
Adam trys his luck with it.
She's so pretty!
Shannon starting a new trend; yoga on skateboards!
Finally working it like the pros!
I had a lot of fun learning to ride the skateboard and a few nights later went and picked one up at Walmart so that I could keep working on it. Not sure that was the brightest idea at the time but I'm still having fun with it and so far no lasting scares from falling. But I somewhat resemble a dalmatian with all my bruises.
My little Walmart long board :D